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 General / 49068
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Re: Rarest Regular Lego Part....
Sat, 18 Sep 2004 22:25:09 GMT
1186 times
In lugnet.general, Ross Crawford wrote:
I have a green 1x16 technic liftarm (thin) that has milling marks,
so obviously a prototype.
I know there are a few of these around, but not a large number.
I'm pretty sure they were originally acquired at a LegoLand Windsor
Red Letter Day.

In the same batch that these were acquired

which further investigation has indicated that they were "concept" pieces


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Rarest Regular Lego Part....
(...) I have a green 1x16 technic liftarm (thin) that has milling marks, so obviously a prototype. I know there are a few of these around, but not a large number. I'm pretty sure they were originally acquired at a LegoLand Windsor Red Letter Day. (...) (20 years ago, 18-Sep-04, to lugnet.general)

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