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Re: !!!IMPORTANT!!!-SPUDS No fault of TLG-!!!IMPORTANT!!!
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 02:32:42 GMT
882 times
[removed .dear-lego from crosspost list on this reply -- remember that
dear-lego is for open letters to TLC]

In lugnet.dear-lego, Tim Courtney writes:
With that said, I think I will try and resist further comments on POOPs
vs individual bricks. Those of us who recognize that there are good
reasons for every single POOP TLC has ever molded can happily continue
to acknowledge that sometimes they are a good idea.

Well if that's the case, is Juniorization a good thing?  I don't believe for a
second that there are good uses for every single POOP.  A lot of them may have
good uses, to take it to extremes, a 2x4 brick, but a lot of them are quite
useless and a waste of the money for the new mold, in my opinion.  [...]

Frank said "good reasons," not "good uses."  Big difference.  :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: !!!IMPORTANT!!!-SPUDS No fault of TLG-!!!IMPORTANT!!!
"Frank Filz" <> wrote in message (...) when (...) Fine, if you're going to be picky about my statement, I'll revise it. Certain poops are a waste of money, and have no business existing. (...) (24 years ago, 26-Feb-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego)

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