Re: !!!IMPORTANT!!!-SPUDS No fault of TLG-!!!IMPORTANT!!!
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 02:32:42 GMT
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[removed .dear-lego from crosspost list on this reply -- remember that
dear-lego is for open letters to TLC]
In lugnet.dear-lego, Tim Courtney writes:
> > [...]
> > With that said, I think I will try and resist further comments on POOPs
> > vs individual bricks. Those of us who recognize that there are good
> > reasons for every single POOP TLC has ever molded can happily continue
> > to acknowledge that sometimes they are a good idea.
> Well if that's the case, is Juniorization a good thing? I don't believe for a
> second that there are good uses for every single POOP. A lot of them may have
> good uses, to take it to extremes, a 2x4 brick, but a lot of them are quite
> useless and a waste of the money for the new mold, in my opinion. [...]
Frank said "good reasons," not "good uses." Big difference. :-)
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