Re: !!!IMPORTANT!!!-SPUDS No fault of TLG-!!!IMPORTANT!!!
lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 01:43:19 GMT
1621 times
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Larry Pieniazek <> wrote in message
> I can come up with a justification for the existance of any part you care to
> name, and an example of a model that would be weaker if it had to use the
> composite parts instead.
I bring to your attention the 1-piece axle/propeller in 8855. I can see
*absolutely no justification* for that part. TLC could easily have produced
just the propeller, either with an axle hole, or with a molded axle, and let
the user attach a 4x1 beam & 24 tooth gear. In fact the POOP actually makes
it work worse - the axle used for the big end can move easily in the (one)
hole provided, and binds on the big-end connector, making it hard to turn.
If they were gonna put just one hole for this, why not make it the
cross-style hole closer to the centre?
But lets see you try 8?)
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