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 General / 17652
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Re: German Halftrack, Armored Car, etc. etc ...
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 17:12:02 GMT
1745 times
In lugnet.general, Fredrik Glöckner writes:

I'm happy to hear that you were inspired by it!  That's why I post
models on the web (and LUGNET), in the first place!

I was inspired by it, as well.  Shaun pointed me to the file after our first
BrikWars game, when I couldn't stop slavering over his Jeep.  As a Jeep owner,
I found it to be especially cool.

So, of course, I went and made some further adaptions to the model for my own
BrikWars army. :D  My version is similar externally, ripping off- err, that is,
using- such fabulous elements as the hinges as runners, the front grille, etc.
But I jacked the whole thing up to use the spring axles and added a third set
of wheels in the back, making it a six-wheeled harsh terrain vehicle.

The interior workings are a lot less elegant than yours, though.

I can't wait to get home and check out your Land Rover DAT.  I'm a big fan of
the LR (my Jeep is actually just to tide me over until I can afford a LR) and I
have been thinking of trying to work on into minifig-esque scale.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: German Halftrack, Armored Car, etc. etc ...
(...) I think you may become a bit disappointed: It isn't nearly as great as the Willys. But it was the first model of the two, so it gave me some inspiration for the latter. Feel free to try to improve it if you want to. Right now I'm working on a (...) (25 years ago, 25-Apr-00, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: German Halftrack, Armored Car, etc. etc ...
(...) I'm happy to hear that you were inspired by it! That's why I post models on the web (and LUGNET), in the first place! I didn't add the tools myself because I found them a bit too large (and many weren't available in LDraw). I thought about (...) (25 years ago, 25-Apr-00, to lugnet.general,

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