Re: German Halftrack, Armored Car, etc. etc ...
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 17:12:02 GMT
1745 times
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In lugnet.general, Fredrik Glöckner writes:
> I'm happy to hear that you were inspired by it! That's why I post
> models on the web (and LUGNET), in the first place!
I was inspired by it, as well. Shaun pointed me to the file after our first
BrikWars game, when I couldn't stop slavering over his Jeep. As a Jeep owner,
I found it to be especially cool.
So, of course, I went and made some further adaptions to the model for my own
BrikWars army. :D My version is similar externally, ripping off- err, that is,
using- such fabulous elements as the hinges as runners, the front grille, etc.
But I jacked the whole thing up to use the spring axles and added a third set
of wheels in the back, making it a six-wheeled harsh terrain vehicle.
The interior workings are a lot less elegant than yours, though.
I can't wait to get home and check out your Land Rover DAT. I'm a big fan of
the LR (my Jeep is actually just to tide me over until I can afford a LR) and I
have been thinking of trying to work on into minifig-esque scale.
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