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Re: Are they blind???
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 04:32:36 GMT
913 times (Bret Kramer) wrote in

I've been wondering about this myself. As my children get older it will
no longer be possible to quietly "absorb" the Legos they get into my
collection. Therefore, there must be some ground rules established
before they leave the house. My Legos are staying with me. They are my
hobby, and I've spent a lot of time (and money) getting to the point
where I can build what I want most of the time.  So when they're old
enough to realize it, the Legos that are "theirs" (through their own
purchases and gifts, etc.) will have to stay separate from "mine". That
may sound greedy, but they'll have to learn sometime that their father
is a selfish, small-minded little man looking after his own best
interests :)

- Bret

I've been wondering about this too.  I've got a 1-year old who has
already expressed a strong preference for Lego... no doubt because
he's usually surrounded by it, if not for other reasons too.

[Side story... when I take him to ToysRUs, he's calm and quiet
until we get to the Lego aisle.  Then he gets very excited, reaching
for things and saying "DA!" which means "I want!".  I hand him a
box that he can rattle or I pull some duplo out of my coat pocket,
which I have learned to keep handy...]

I'd certainly like for him to be able to build with my Lego, although
some of the more rare sets and pieces will probably be off limits.
But I also don't want any of it going off to college with him someday.

Right now I've got a fairly detailed inventory of which sets I have.
I've been thinking of adding an "owner" field to the inventory, and
putting "Andre" in for the sets I get him or he gets from others, and
"me" for all the rest.  Then, when he wants to split his out at some
point, we'll just have sit down and split them out.

Of course this is all idealized thinking... I have NO idea how this is
really going to work two or three years from now, much less fifteen
years down the road.

I'd be interested in hearing what other folks have done with their
kids and the lego collection.  So far the other postings have been
pretty informative.


Remy Evard

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Are they blind???
(...) That's easy - I'm not having kids, it would complicate the Lego situtation too much ;-) -- Tom Stangl ***(URL) Visual FAQ home ***(URL) Bay Area DSMs (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Are they blind???
(...) I've been wondering about this myself. As my children get older it will no longer be possible to quietly "absorb" the Legos they get into my collection. Therefore, there must be some ground rules established before they leave the house. My (...) (25 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.general)

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