Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 16:37:40 GMT
785 times
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In lugnet.castle, Jeff Stembel wrote:
> In lugnet.castle, Steve Bliss writes:
> > But did you notice the female guard of the castle? No closeups, just a glimpse
> > of red lips in the big castle photo. It might be the same face as the maiden
> > fair, but it's hard to tell for sure from the photo.
> It *may* be a new face, it is hard to tell. Looking at my catalog, she appears
> to have lips similar to the old Pirate babe ("Full"? "Pouty"? Can anyone think
> of a good word? I'm pretty sure they're different from the Princess's lips),
> and she also seems to have straight brown hair coming down the side. It is
> impossible to say for sure right now. Although the thought of getting *two*
> new females fills me with glee. :)
Actually (resizing and enhancing the scanned image), it almost looks like the
female head from Adventurers...
Hey! I just realized that her torso has a print for 'feminine armor'! :):)
Well, ok, I'm not 100% sure (it's a tiny picture!). And it's a nutty idea --
what armorer in his right mind would make armor with those features?
Message has 5 Replies:  | | Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
| (...) Any armorer in... 1) A Frazetta painting 2) A Dungeons & Dragons illustration 3) An Operad-sd 4) A Fantasy Movie etc, etc, etc. Armor with... ahem... feminine features is a pretty common thing in fictional sword-and-sorcery settings, which (...) (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
|  | | Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
| (...) I'm pretty sure it isn't Gail Storm. The eyse are different. (...) It doesn't appear to be form fitting armor. It *is* a shweet new Plate Mail design, though. There may be an opening showing off some of her cleavage, but it could just as (...) (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
| (...) glimpse (...) It *may* be a new face, it is hard to tell. Looking at my catalog, she appears to have lips similar to the old Pirate babe ("Full"? "Pouty"? Can anyone think of a good word? I'm pretty sure they're different from the Princess's (...) (25 years ago, 8-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
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