Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 17:32:36 GMT
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In lugnet.castle, Tobias Möller writes:
> I don´t like her torso print. It´s too... well, you probably know what I
> mean. and lego babes shouldn´t look like that. In Paradisa, none of the girl
> minifigs looked like that.
Too true. And in the interest of equality, why don't they make printed
muscle-bound males to go with these ambitiously-drawn female figures? How are
we supposed to make hulking barbarians? Is this some sort of TLG bias?
All in fun,
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
| I don´t like her torso print. It´s too... well, you probably know what I mean. and lego babes shouldn´t look like that. In Paradisa, none of the girl minifigs looked like that. --Tobias (...) 2000 (...) work (...) to (...) (25 years ago, 17-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
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