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 Castle / 1054
1053  |  1055
Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 17:34:09 GMT
939 times
I don´t like her torso print. It´s too... well, you probably know what I
mean. and lego babes shouldn´t look like that. In Paradisa, none of the girl
minifigs looked like that.


Hi everyone,

I don't know if anyone of you have noticed, but while looking at the new • 2000
castle, I noticed something that looked like a girl in the window. Now, I
wasn't sure, but when I re-looked at the catalog (Kevin Loch's database) I
noticed her - in CLOSEUP!

Isn't she nice? (of course, we can't take off the brown curls, but she'll • work
fine with the long brown wig...)

And notice the weird knight with the hat! And a brown mustache. TLC seems • to
become fonder of brown hair by the minute...


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
(...) But, but, Hollywood says that all people in the middle ages were beautiful. That must make it true! James (URL) not an actor, but I play one on TV..." (25 years ago, 17-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
(...) Too true. And in the interest of equality, why don't they make printed muscle-bound males to go with these ambitiously-drawn female figures? How are we supposed to make hulking barbarians? Is this some sort of TLG bias? All in fun, Dave! (25 years ago, 17-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
Don't forget the Islanders babe who was even topless, save for her strategically placed lei. (...) (25 years ago, 18-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

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  A new castle babe!!! (and a weird knight)
Hi everyone, I don't know if anyone of you have noticed, but while looking at the new 2000 castle, I noticed something that looked like a girl in the window. Now, I wasn't sure, but when I re-looked at the catalog (Kevin Loch's database) I noticed (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

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