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Re: My first attempt at a story. The Forest of Blood part 1.
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 11:32:20 GMT
619 times
In lugnet.castle, Wilson Raska writes:
In lugnet.castle, Joel Jacobsen writes:


This is actually an experiment of sorts - one that I could use feedback on.

Well, I checked it out earlier today at school, and I think it's fantastic!
Very good for your first story.  I was amazed how much image-editing you did
for it.  I particularly liked the ones where the LEGO path connected to the
"real" path, almost seamlessly.  The storyline was great, and I could just
imaging the evilish chanting of the monks.  (If you read it people, try to
keep that chanting sound in your head when the petals fall off the flowers.
Very powerful moment!  I was right then I realized that this bad guy was
pure evil!  I can't wait to see the next two chapters.

I learned a new tool in PS - Blur. It worked fairly well to smooth the
edges, especially of the trees, to make it look more like one image and not
like I just cut something out of a magazine and slopped it onto another
picture. It almost worked! :)

Hehe. Yeah.. he's supposed to be a real handful; What good is having
"yon-evil-bad-guy" if he's a pushover, after all? I just hope the rest of my
stories work well enough to reflect it. And there weren't actually any
monks..;) but that.. is a story for another time. I must get this one
finished, first!

When I started out, it certainly seemed like a good idea, but I did not
realize just how difficult it would be to find background photos of just
exactly what I wanted. I have enough to complete the remaining two episodes
of the story, but beyond that - should I keep it up as stories dictate or
let this end as something better off left to the pro's? :)

Left to the pros?  Man, you are a pro!  I started out just playing around
with Photoshop and started editing some of my LEGO pictures for my stories.
I'll admit that my first images weren't anything to brag about, but I feel
that I've gotten a lot better at it and have made some pretty cool images
for my stories.

You're very kind, Wilson. I'm certainly no pro, but to be called one is
reassuring. I've wrestled with Photoshop for about 2 years or so now but
mostly only as the software to import pictures from my scanner. When I
started I had NO idea what a layer was, or how to even flatten an image.
"Why can't I save this as any thing but a .PSD file?!"

It really has been a larger project "behind the scenes" than I imagined it
would be when I was taking the pictures. I spent about three hours (plus two
more my wonderful wife graciously contributed last week) looking for forest
wallpaper on the 'net that would work. Some of the scenes started out 3 or 4
layers thick - bits and pieces of images that were cut and pasted together
before being flattened into the final product. A lot more work than I wanted
to do, but on hearing everyone's responses, I guess it was worth the extra
time. I'm sure there's a better way, but this worked.

Now on to Episode 2. I've actually got half of the images for it edited
while at work tonight. I just need to finish up and then I'll probably go
back and touch up Episode 1's dialogue using Shiri's/Bill's advice. Aiiee.
What was I thinking??

Joel Jacobsen

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My first attempt at a story. The Forest of Blood part 1.
(...) Well, I checked it out earlier today at school, and I think it's fantastic! Very good for your first story. I was amazed how much image-editing you did for it. I particularly liked the ones where the LEGO path connected to the "real" path, (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)

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