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Re: A screenshot for those who ask how I make parts.
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 14:50:27 GMT
1375 times
Previously, we wrote:

Btw, the "options, view settings..." crashed LDAO. "Run-time error 5,
Invalid procedure or call argument "

Erk.  That could be a problem.  Could you send me a copy of your ldraw.ini

Do I need to add a few extra line parameters after the
%base%\l3lab.exe %model% %parm%   line?
I tried adding -pollsilent and -nocache, neither had any effect.

The viewer-setup has changed locations in LDAO.  Try this: launch LDAO.  Go
to Options | Settings.  Specify the location for L3Lab.  Close the Settings
dialog.  Go into the LDAO Editor.  Go to Options | View Settings.  Select
L3Lab as your viewer.  Close the dialog.

OK, I think I understand.  When I do a save, The only file that is getting
updated is the original dat file.  (I watched the directory while I saved.)


The temp files are updated with every change you make in the Editor window.

After I change the "scale" or the "viewpoint" settings, what should I do
next? save, or hit the render button again?

Nothing.  L3Lab should refresh automatically.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A screenshot for those who ask how I make parts.
(...) OK, done! (...) OK, I could do the Options|Settings part. LDAO still errors when I try to click on "view settings" (...) Hummm... not here. What do you call a "change"? Is that a character insertion, deletion, overtype, or does it key off of a (...) (24 years ago, 17-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A screenshot for those who ask how I make parts.
(...) I have version 1.2 20000616. Do I need to add a few extra line parameters after the %base%\l3lab.exe %model% %parm% line? I tried adding -pollsilent and -nocache, neither had any effect. (...) OK, I think I understand. When I do a save, The (...) (24 years ago, 16-Nov-00, to

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