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Re: Web interface to LUGNET news moving from to
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish
Fri, 4 Aug 2000 06:01:45 GMT
1922 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Deidre Rushton Brumby writes:
Ok, I've got IE 5.5 so I'm assuming that 5.0 looks similar if not the

Choose your Zone (Internet) and then in the bottom part of the window
there are buttons for Default Level and Custom Level.  Click on Custom
Level to see what Default Level has setup for you, and to change them
if you wish.

Scroll down the list and there are the following refs to Java:
Under "Microsoft VM" there is Java Permissions which can be set
to several different levels of safety or disabled (don't ask me about the
specifics of these, I don't know).  Scrolling further down there is
"Scripting" with subheadings for Active Scripting/Allow Paste Operations/
Scripting of Java Applets all of which can be disabled or enabled (or
prompted for).

There may be other relevant bits here, I think the default values are
correctly enabled.  I don't know much about the finer points of specific
settings.  Java scripting and related stuff always works fine for me
except for this lugnet pop-up set search where I get the same error as
you so your settings are probably fine.


Thanks for your quick reply.  All of the stuff you listed I tried and it
didn't work but if you have the same problem then that's probably not it.
Thanks for trying though.  It's kinda weird though because the Java quickset
thing works perfectly on my computer.  I think that it might have something to
do with the act of clicking the command button, maybe another bit of code
needs to be inserted (but I'm no web programming guy - yet).  So I hope this
helps you out a little more Todd.  Bye.  I think I'll go to bed now...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Web interface to LUGNET news moving from to
You might want to try TOOLS/WINDOWS UPDATE and get IE 5.5 just a thought... EC (25 years ago, 4-Aug-00, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Web interface to LUGNET news moving from to
(...) Ok, I've got IE 5.5 so I'm assuming that 5.0 looks similar if not the same. Choose your Zone (Internet) and then in the bottom part of the window there are buttons for Default Level and Custom Level. Click on Custom Level to see what Default (...) (25 years ago, 4-Aug-00, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish)

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