Re: Web interface to LUGNET news moving from to
Wed, 2 Aug 2000 17:35:46 GMT
673 times
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In lugnet.admin.general, Steve Martin writes:
> The only change that I really don't like is the search dialog. I liked
> the separate ones better. I now have to make an extra 2 clicks to look
> something up. That's unfortunate since I was delighted when you put the
> search facility on the main page. I do like the location at the top better
> however.
Do you look up sets often? If so, how does this utility work for you?
> I think I wouldn't mind if the default place to search was the set catalog.
> I know that I search that about 100 times more often than I do the news
> groups.
I don't know what to say -- before, the set search was only available from the
homepage and the DB entry page, now it's available from every page via the
drop-down list. Maybe the list-default selection should be customizable...?
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