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Re: Review of 7897 Passenger Train available at ILTCO site
Thu, 11 May 2006 17:53:13 GMT
3386 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
In lugnet.trains, Rob Hendrix wrote:

"Larry Pieniazek" <lar(at@at)miltontrainworks(> wrote in message
I was fortunate enough to get a pre-release copy of this set, and I have
reviewed it. My review is posted at the ILTCO site:


Would you comment on the center hole between the two motor wheels on the
powered truck?  Is it possible to utilize those holes to make a six wheel

It struck me as being a lot like the 12V truck, set up to do just that. I could
not find the right part to use to try to connect central wheels though. That's a
failing of checking every pin type on my part though. (it would be an axle/pin
sort of part because the new power wheels take technic axles, ala Ben's wheels

I'm getting a nice list of things to check this weekend, I guess, aren't I?

While you're at it, can you confirm how the motor box is seeled shut, glue,
screws or deformed tas like the old 9v motor.

Also the new technic axel wheels have the traction tire on them, perhaps that's
why they are solid.

Pity they didn't redo the gearing on this motor, slower speed and higher torque
would have been useful.  As for the lack of power. I recomend a couple of
experiments. Swap in a track powered 9v motor and see how the engine does with
the 3 Sante Fe cars. And try the new ir motor with a 9v battery pack. The
problem may be the limeted power getting to the new moter. I'll most likely use
these motors consisted to a track motor and power them togather. Perfect for a
yard slug configuration!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Review of 7897 Passenger Train available at ILTCO site
(...) It struck me as being a lot like the 12V truck, set up to do just that. I could not find the right part to use to try to connect central wheels though. That's a failing of checking every pin type on my part though. (it would be an axle/pin (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-06, to lugnet.trains)  

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