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Re: Weekend of LEGO Pirate Games!
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 19:30:09 GMT
8528 times
On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Frank Filz (<>) wrote at

Of course another factor is that we are awfully close in time frame to
Brickfest. Perhaps it would work better to do it in the fall (and to
some extent, for Lindsay's new found friends on the other side of the
pond, I would be inclined to reccomend they come to Brickfest over
Piratefest, I think if I was buying a ticket to Europe I would want to
be going to a fairly general type event, though of course a very
specific type event would also be good).

I'll stick my head over the bulwark at this point.

It struck me as a great wheeze to jet over, pirate around, and jet back,
and avoid jet-lag by playing at strange times of the day.

The timing in June is not good for me, though, so I've kept quiet, as I
don't think I can make it.

I've never played, but getting it from the horse's mouth seemed like a
good idea :-)
Tony Priestman

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Weekend of LEGO Pirate Games!
(...) I'm not sure if it's worth chucking just because we only have 6 players. It does suggest we don't want to pay for Steve Jackson to come (however, if he wanted to come on his own, that would be cool). I'd love some more opportunities to run the (...) (23 years ago, 9-Mar-01, to lugnet.pirates,,,,

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