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Re: Weekend of LEGO Pirate Games!
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 05:09:04 GMT
8017 times
Chris McCaully wrote:
Is there any age limit of how can come and play, because i am fifteen and i
want to come. If we have our own fleet can we bring it? Thanks.

Chris Weeks will have to answer if there are any age requirements for
the event in general. For the game itself, all that is required is that
players be sufficiently mature to play the game. I expect most 15 year
olds would fit the bill (we had Shiri's younger sister, Inbal, playing
at Brickfest 2000, and while she was a little too young to understand
everything, we were able to accommodate her in the game).

Folks are welcome and encouraged to bring any ships they might have. The
game I run will be a variant of the campaign game, so all ships which
are brought to the game will be put in the general pool. It is
recommended that people bringing ships or islands put their name on a
piece of masking tape on the bottom. I also recommend you use the boat
skids on the bottom of the ships to minimize wear and tear on the hull

I hope to build some ships to allow for the correct numbers of cannon in
the near future, when I do so, I will definitely post pictures so folks
can get some ideas if they want to modify their ships to be more
suitable for the game (I'm not exactly sure how Steve does it, but the
way I run it, the broadside cannon may shoot to either side of the ship
[they need not be mounted on the fancy sliding/swiveling mounts of the
newer ships], so most ships will be able to have Class-1 cannon mounted
for broadside, the last cannon is mounted on a swivel, usually on the
focsle (large ships may have two swivel mounted cannon).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Weekend of LEGO Pirate Games!
(...) If you are capable of paying attention and being nice (at least as nice as any other scurvy dog, that is), then I don't see what age has to do with it. You would be most welcome. (...) There aren't. In the past at these events there have been (...) (23 years ago, 9-Mar-01, to lugnet.pirates,,,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Weekend of LEGO Pirate Games!
(...) Is there any age limit of how can come and play, because i am fifteen and i want to come. If we have our own fleet can we bring it? Thanks. (23 years ago, 9-Mar-01, to lugnet.pirates,,,,

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