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Re: Mirrored parts and studs
Wed, 2 Jul 2003 20:42:19 GMT
1501 times
The stud logos are a bonus feature offered by many programs but are not
officailly supported by the LDraw spec.

The extra work and subfile
clutter are just not worth it for a nice-to-have-but-not-required bonus


After thinking about it for a while, I totally agree. If anyone wants to make
perfect rendering with stud logos lined up correctly (how often does this
occur?), I assume this person must have the knowledge to inline that part
locally at his/her PC and rotate the stud(s) at will. The extra time spent for
this operation is neglectable compared to all fiddling with light settings and
camera positions/angles and so on.

I too have local, unofficial variants of part files on my PC. Anybody is of
course free to hack. :)

And if he publishes the POV-file based on his local hack, it will have the studs
correctly aligned there, too.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mirrored parts and studs
(...) And mine as well. If LDView can correct for this then so can any other program. The stud logos are a bonus feature offered by many programs but are not officailly supported by the LDraw spec. (...) This further supports my position on this (...) (21 years ago, 2-Jul-03, to

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