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Re: Mirrored parts and studs
Wed, 2 Jul 2003 13:17:00 GMT
1269 times
In, Lars C. Hassing wrote:
In, Orion Pobursky wrote:
If you have stud the the part and apply a mirror matrix, most of
the time nothing is wrong. Along comes L3P or LDView that, based on
user preference, add the LEGO logo to the top of the studs.  If the
part is a mirror part then the added logos also show up
mirrored. Here's where we get 2 dissenting opinons:

1.)  Nothing is wrong with the part.  The stud logos are added by an
external program and are not part of the DAT code.  This is,
therefore, a limitation of the external program and not of the part

See my posting
Travis Cobbs also explains it well in

2.)  The part itself is flawed in that the studs are mirrored.  We
should redo all the mirrored parts with stud in such a way that the
studs are not mirrored.

Though I acknowledge that L3P should deal with the problem
I also appreciate this initiative, because the solution is not easy,
as explained above.

Wait a minute.  Doesn't L3Input.cpp build a threaded tree structure
before outputting a single POV part?  I would think you could traverse
the array Parts[0...nParts] and look for toplevel parts from the PARTS
directory.  Then for each toplevel part, if it has mirrored studs,
make a duplicate of each subpart (and it's subparts) with mirrored
studs.  In the duplicate subparts, use a different stud with a
mirrored logo.  You don't really have to "flatten" the whole tree to
do this, just the branches with mirrored studs.  And you're not really
flattening them, you're just duplicating them, which is similar to
what you'd end up with anyhow if we manually unmirror the studs in the
mirrored parts files.

Hmmm, maybe I should fiddle with this using Paul Easter's stud parts
in ldglite to see what I might have missed.  Paul, don't delete those
logo enhanced stud files!  If anything, just slap a larger disclaimer
on them.


PS.  In case I was unclear there, I think this should be fixed in
software, not in the part files.  Keep the part files simple.  They're
meant for building.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mirrored parts and studs
(...) LDView does not have a problem with mirrored studs. (...) Right! See my posting (URL) Cobbs also explains it well in (URL) 2.) The part itself is flawed in that the studs are mirrored. We should redo (...) Though I acknowledge that L3P should (...) (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to

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