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Re: Mirrored parts and studs
Tue, 1 Jul 2003 21:38:12 GMT
1253 times
Orion Pobursky wrote:

1.)  Nothing is wrong with the part.  The stud logos are added by an external
program and are not part of the DAT code.  This is, therefore, a limitation of
the external program and not of the part itself.

2.)  The part itself is flawed in that the studs are mirrored.  We should redo
all the mirrored parts with stud in such a way that the studs are not mirrored.

My view is that there is nothing _serious_ wrong, but that a fix should
be welcome.

Anyway.  Since we are only talking about studs, the rendering programs
_could_ simply remember to fix any mirrored studs (can be done by
multiplying the rotation matrix of the object with the sign of its

Play well,

Horse (building instructions):

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mirrored parts and studs
(...) Umm, my math is really rusty. Can the sign of the determinant also be used to detect mirroring? That could be handy. Don (21 years ago, 2-Jul-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Mirrored parts and studs
There is somewhat of a disagreeance going on over at the PT about mirrored parts and I thought I'd bring it to the whole community to discuss. Here's a little background for the non initiated: In order to same time and DAT code if a part has a (...) (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to

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