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Re: Mirrored parts and studs
Wed, 2 Jul 2003 20:18:40 GMT
1629 times
In, Don Heyse wrote:
Actually that does help a bit.  It looks like you aren't concerned
with whether the logo faces the same direction as on the actual part,
you're just ensuring that it's readable.  That makes me feel better
about my solution.

Correct.  There's no way to know if they actually face the right direction, so I
just figured that horizontal mirroring was more likely to be correct than
vertical (although I could be wrong).

By the way, why do you bother to track all the mirroring steps?  Can't
you just look at the final matrix?

You can, but my code that decides which texture coordinates to use doesn't have
access to the final matrix.  Also, I flatten the geometry of all parts in
LDView, and the flattening process can result in a mirror transformation being
aplied to the stud geometry.  (By flatten, I mean that I apply the
transformations for sub-parts, and copy the geometry into the parent part.)  I
have to track when this happens.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mirrored parts and studs
(...) Actually that does help a bit. It looks like you aren't concerned with whether the logo faces the same direction as on the actual part, you're just ensuring that it's readable. That makes me feel better about my solution. By the way, why do (...) (21 years ago, 2-Jul-03, to

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