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2nd Joe Vig contest entry - How Joe learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce.moc
Sun, 11 Jun 2006 17:31:04 GMT
13305 times
During a tedious argument with his girlfriend, Joe Vig finds an unexpected release...

Mocpages - Brickshelf

One should probably have seen a certain movie by the aptly named Stanley Kubrick to get this entirely.

Note: I know that the head for Joe is wrong, but due to financial difficulties this summer I’m unable to get hold of the proper one. If the curators for this group consider this a reason to disclude this vig from the contest, I absolutely understand and accept that.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 2nd Joe Vig contest entry - How Joe learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
(...) Sorry, Linus. Our Contest Rules specify that "The Joe Vig minifig must be made as described on The Joe Vig Page, and made clearly visible in at least 1 photo." (Rule #4). The Curators suggest that you check Bricklink for the proper minifig (...) (18 years ago, 11-Jun-06, to, FTX)

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