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Re: Theme crossovers (Re: Airships (Re: Magic/Majick section of CW))
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 01:24:11 GMT
64 times
John Radtke wrote in message ...
In, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:

My problem is how to justify the existence and operation of airships.  As
first I thought "Magic!", but that doesn't really do the concept justice. • My
next thought was that each airship has to have crystals (found in the AQ • and
RR sets) which have levitation powers.  They are hooked up to special
levers and such - making them independent from any magician and single • source.

<snip other details>

Anyone else given this thought?

In the anime[1] called "The Vision Of Escaflowne", which deals with a
fantasy world, air travel is (mostly) done using "floating stones" of
various sizes (mostly house-sized, I recall), the stones being incorporated
into flying machines which then move around using propellers driven by
machinery of unknown nature. I can't remember whether any were wind-powered
(i.e. sails), but I _do_ remember that the largest floating stone found was
the size of a mountain, and the 'bad guys' incorporated an entire fortress
into it - VERY cool idea. Reminds me of a painting by Matisse... or was it

So anyone with a few hundred BURPs wanna take this project on?

LUGNET member 164

[1] Japanese animated series - in case you didn't know...

Message is in Reply To:
  Theme crossovers (Re: Airships (Re: Magic/Majick section of CW))
(...) <snip other details> (...) I'll be amazed if you haven't read any of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover novels because some of your ideas parallel hers. There are a couple dozen books covering the long history of the planet Darkover - basically (...) (24 years ago, 15-Nov-00, to,

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