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Wed, 26 Jul 2000 20:05:52 GMT
1682 times
Pearson Castner <> wrote in message

    *Star trek music plays in the background* Fellow space going AFOLS and
TFOLS, we have reached a point in our cosmic existance were its too darn • hard
to keep track of every site and model being built. I and some other people
have decided its time to blatantly copy castleworld, and modify it to fit • our
own unexplored frontiers! (Well, that DID sound convining, didn't it?) So, • now
that my pathedically mared advertising pitch is over, time for what weve • got
so far.

    The topic of "I have a planetary history mapped out! I dont want to • re-
write it!" Will be solved by Planetary rifts. These rifts can be opened
whenever needed, and can allow ships/planets to tranverse to different
dimesions (For those lacking imaginations, other peoples written • history).That
pathedic crack about it being like CW was only in CONCEPT. The layout will • be
far different, And so far, I and MAYBE Kyle Kepplar have planned to do the
website. We need supporters, and people willing to join SPACEWORLD! (Name • is
HEAVILY subject to change)

Pearson Castner
Thanksfor your help!

    Well my friend you can certainly count me and Bardiel in on this. It'll
be a blast to interact with other people's creations. And everyone is
welcome to hop through a rift and visit my universe.


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*Star trek music plays in the background* Fellow space going AFOLS and TFOLS, we have reached a point in our cosmic existance were its too darn hard to keep track of every site and model being built. I and some other people have decided its time to (...) (25 years ago, 20-Jul-00, to  

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