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Re: New Sets 2003
lugnet.general,, lugnet.starwars
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 10:50:08 GMT
55 times
Thankyou very much Tobbe. Looking over them now....


mmm... sherpa hats... scimitars... hang on, is that Clifford in 7411?

When do they hit the shops?


In lugnet.general, Allister McLaren writes:

Since the page has obviously had the clamps put on it and I missed the
window of opportunity, could one of you guys that did manage to see them go
through your 'downloaded internet files' directory and email me a copy of
them pretty pretty please? I want to get my drooling done early.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Sets 2003
(...) I think these are due to come out next January, but those store clerks always make mistakes and sell stuff earlier... Could somebody e-mail me with pictures, too? I already saw them, but I want to have a closer look at these new sets. -JHK (22 years ago, 11-Oct-02, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Sets 2003
(...) <delurk> Since the page has obviously had the clamps put on it and I missed the window of opportunity, could one of you guys that did manage to see them go through your 'downloaded internet files' directory and email me a copy of them pretty (...) (22 years ago, 10-Oct-02, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.starwars)

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