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Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 23:21:00 GMT
28 times
In, Mark Sandlin writes:
There is an episode where a second battle star joins in under the command of
some hot shot captian who has been constantly attacking the planet Gamore for
the past several years.  He engages two of Baltar's base ships in a two to one
capital ship combat.

Ah, Cain and the Battlestar Pegasus. If I recall correctly, that was a last
ditch effort by Cain to allow the rest of the fleet to escape. Not exactly
common operating procedure for a Battlestar to engage a Baseship directly.

Ah, ok, I was going to bring up the reference for him ("The Livin Legend",
with the late Lloyd Bridges playing Commander Cain). Yes, he took the
Pegasus with 2 vipers (Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict, who else?) point
blank against 3 base stars (the 3rd dropped back, so you only see the
Pegasus firing missiles at two of them).

Of course Star Wars and BSG have the same 'space combat' feel; John Dykstra
was the visual effects supervisor for both. BattleStar Galactica is what he
did after they finished production on Star Wars. (Which, of course, means
Star Wars came before BattleStar Galactica).

Yes, Star Trek came before both; 10 years before in fact! (10 years before
SW, and 11 before BSG). So it would be really difficult for Galactica to
have spawned Star Trek.

Although it was Star Wars really inspired the subsequent 'epic space fighter
battles' of the subsequent sci fi shows. (Odd that Star Trek didn't have
fighter craft, since Gene Roddenbery was a crewmember on the aircraft
carrier Enterprise). And as for Gundam and their ilk having much better
space battle sequences (hey, I grew up watching Star Blazers and Macross, so
I love anime as well) keep in mind Gundam launched in 1979. After Star Wars.
i.e. they were most likely inspired by the space battles in Star Wars to
begin with, but putting their unique spin on it.

Star Blazers wasn't Star Wars inspired (debuted in Japan in 1976 or 77). On
a totally useless side note, it was Hasbro that brought Space Battleship
Yamato here as Star Blazers. (Is this the same Hasbro as the parent company
of Kenner, makers of Star Wars toys?)

Mark W.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?
(...) Not at the time. That realignment came much later. LFB (24 years ago, 30-Aug-01, to,,

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  Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?
(...) I don't see how this question is even debatable, because you're talking about fictional technologies, most of which disobey all current known laws of physics. You might be able to debate specific cases, but it's still extremely difficult to do (...) (24 years ago, 27-Aug-01, to,,

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