> Yep, the human fighters (Starfuries) require manuevering jets to change
> direction and speed. The only other race I know offhand how they operate are
> the Minbari's, which use gravity generators. I'm not sure if they have
> them on
> their fighters or just their capital ships, though.
> Jeff
I know that the Minbari's shuttles had what looked like 4 engines so I
would presume that they are using standard propulsion methods, and one
would suspect that the fighters are the same. I don't know about the
cruisers but the White Star ships do indeed use gravity generators for
maneuvering (like flipping 180 degrees but still propel in the same
direction) I also suspect that the White Stars where also the first ships
to be able to open their own hyperspace points without a gateway (but don't
quote me on that)
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