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space/mecha combat theories... (was Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?)
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 17:26:02 GMT
1064 times
In starfox, there is a level where you fly around in space and kill
robot/mech things, I dunno if that's what you mean though. But I think (from
a non-anime oriented perspective) that mecha could easily be pitted agains't
spacecraft and have a fighting chance. Their manueverabily capabilities
would be far greater than a spacecraft I think,

Just go play Starfox (I'm sounding a little lame here, oh well) the
mech/robot's maneuverability is far greater then that of your craft, and it
is harder to find the mechs/robots in the first place, then shoot them down.

Just getting into the whole anime realm, I can't really talk from an
experienced point of view, but oh well,



In, Borislav Marinov writes:
Wow, quite a few replies here!
Let me try to explain my theory in a different way and you can tell me if you
guys agree with me or not?
"Mech combat are not compatible with non-mech space combat."
or rephrased:
"Mechs fight with mechs and they can not exist in any of the non-mech universes
because of their style of combat."

Here is an exception to my theory: The Obsolese from the 8th MS Team could
probably exist in a non-mech universe (ST, BG, Star Trek, etc.) but then again
it is not a mech.
I hope I have made it more clear now and if there is an anime which actually
has a battle were the two "worlds" are fused, please tell me about it, I would
love to watch such a thing!

Bobby (Neo-Oz)


Yes, and I watched some of them before you were born. :^)
Your point being?

There are capital ship fights in BG
Really? Which episodes? I only remember lots of Vipers zooming around. I
also only recall Base Stars closing distance enough to spew Raiders at the
rag tag fugitive fleet.
There's an episode guide on so don't give me any
"I don't remember which episode" BS.
There is an episode where a second battle star joins in under the command of
some hot shot captian who has been constantly attacking the planet Gamore for
the past several years.  He engages two of Baltar's base ships in a two to one
capital ship combat.

and I am also positive that it came
before SW (but that is irrelevant).

Well, you're positively wrong on that note.

Star Wars: Premiered May  1977

Battlestar Galactica: Premiered September 1978
Point well taken.  Thanks for clearing this, for some reason I thought that BG
came before.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?
Wow, quite a few replies here! Let me try to explain my theory in a different way and you can tell me if you guys agree with me or not? "Mech combat are not compatible with non-mech space combat." or rephrased: "Mechs fight with mechs and they can (...) (24 years ago, 27-Aug-01, to,,

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