In starfox, there is a level where you fly around in space and kill
robot/mech things, I dunno if that's what you mean though. But I think (from
a non-anime oriented perspective) that mecha could easily be pitted agains't
spacecraft and have a fighting chance. Their manueverabily capabilities
would be far greater than a spacecraft I think,
Just go play Starfox (I'm sounding a little lame here, oh well) the
mech/robot's maneuverability is far greater then that of your craft, and it
is harder to find the mechs/robots in the first place, then shoot them down.
Just getting into the whole anime realm, I can't really talk from an
experienced point of view, but oh well,
In lugnet.off-topic.geek, Borislav Marinov writes:
> Wow, quite a few replies here!
> Let me try to explain my theory in a different way and you can tell me if you
> guys agree with me or not?
> "Mech combat are not compatible with non-mech space combat."
> or rephrased:
> "Mechs fight with mechs and they can not exist in any of the non-mech universes
> because of their style of combat."
> Here is an exception to my theory: The Obsolese from the 8th MS Team could
> probably exist in a non-mech universe (ST, BG, Star Trek, etc.) but then again
> it is not a mech.
> I hope I have made it more clear now and if there is an anime which actually
> has a battle were the two "worlds" are fused, please tell me about it, I would
> love to watch such a thing!
> Bobby (Neo-Oz)
> P.S.
> > Yes, and I watched some of them before you were born. :^)
> Your point being?
> > > There are capital ship fights in BG
> > Really? Which episodes? I only remember lots of Vipers zooming around. I
> > also only recall Base Stars closing distance enough to spew Raiders at the
> > rag tag fugitive fleet.
> > There's an episode guide on www.battlestargalactica.com so don't give me any
> > "I don't remember which episode" BS.
> There is an episode where a second battle star joins in under the command of
> some hot shot captian who has been constantly attacking the planet Gamore for
> the past several years. He engages two of Baltar's base ships in a two to one
> capital ship combat.
> > > and I am also positive that it came
> > > before SW (but that is irrelevant).
> >
> > Well, you're positively wrong on that note.
> >
> > Star Wars: Premiered May 1977
> >
> > Battlestar Galactica: Premiered September 1978
> Point well taken. Thanks for clearing this, for some reason I thought that BG
> came before.
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