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 Off-Topic / Geek / 3328
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Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 18:08:00 GMT
1094 times
In, Borislav Marinov writes:
Wow, quite a few replies here!
Let me try to explain my theory in a different way and you can tell me if you
guys agree with me or not?
"Mech combat are not compatible with non-mech space combat."
or rephrased:
"Mechs fight with mechs and they can not exist in any of the non-mech
universes because of their style of combat."

Sure they can co-exist, if the creator of the show wishes them to.  :)  Now, if
you want TV show/movie examples, try Macross/Robotech, Nadesico, and Gundam.
But since it is all fantasy anyway, anything a creator deems possible, is,
well, possible.  :)

Here is an exception to my theory: The Obsolese from the 8th MS Team could
probably exist in a non-mech universe (ST, BG, Star Trek, etc.) but then again
it is not a mech.

Actually, it is a mecha.  It is a *really* souped-up and heavily modified Zaku.

I hope I have made it more clear now and if there is an anime which actually
has a battle were the two "worlds" are fused, please tell me about it, I would
love to watch such a thing!



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  Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?
Wow, quite a few replies here! Let me try to explain my theory in a different way and you can tell me if you guys agree with me or not? "Mech combat are not compatible with non-mech space combat." or rephrased: "Mechs fight with mechs and they can (...) (24 years ago, 27-Aug-01, to,,

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