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 Off-Topic / Geek / 3323
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Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?
Sun, 26 Aug 2001 17:08:39 GMT
1022 times
In, Mark Sandlin writes:
Any B5 fans want to weigh in here? I seem to remember the B5 fighters (Star
Fury?) having to rotate and use their engines to reverse direction in a
fairly realistic manner. There may be other fighters in the series I know
nothing about, since I didn't really follow the series.

Yeah, B5 fighters Starfuries have thrusters on the front and sides, allowing
omni-directional movement. They used the slide factor alot for combat
(Fighter trajectory going the oppsite direction of the fighter). And in
reply to Jeff's comment after this, Minbari fighters have gravity, but the
fighter is quite narrow for occupant space.

And if you're talking about Star Trek, you should be much more specific,
since there are four TV series and 9 movies.

In addition all of these shows have a heavy
on large capital ships loaded with fighter plains duking it out (take Tie
Fighter for example).

I don't remember any of the Enterprises or Voyager carrying fighters.
Shuttles, perhaps.

*technicaly* they never carried fighters (ref: STTNG Tech Book, and Voayer
Source book), but Starfleet did use fighters in the Dominion War of Deep
Space Nine series, called Pergrine-Class Couriers. And the Maquis Raiders
were Federation designed, and could be stolen Federation Warp-Capable
fighters. With the advent of micro-torpedoes and phaser strips in the New
shuttles, the use of a fighter seems... redundant.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gasaraki 1, any good?
(...) Yes, and I watched some of them before you were born. :^) (...) Really? Which episodes? I only remember lots of Vipers zooming around. I also only recall Base Stars closing distance enough to spew Raiders at the rag tag fugitive fleet. There's (...) (24 years ago, 26-Aug-01, to,,

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