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Re: Competitive MINDSTORMS: Now in a store near you!
Fri, 20 Aug 2004 14:11:55 GMT
1378 times
In lugnet.robotics, Brian Davis wrote:
In lugnet.robotics, David Perdue wrote:

I'd love to bring Gargantuan-Bot Version BL58 with me to the
event, but I think that one might be too big under the rule
set. :)

   What's it weigh? Sumo 6 is a 2 lb limit (rtlToronto folks, that's 909 grams)
and must fit upon start-up inside a 12" by 12" square (30 cm, guys). Come on

If it doesn't qualify under the rules, how about having an "exhibition" match or
two, where Gargantuan-Bot takes on any willing contenders just for fun?

- Joe

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Competitive MINDSTORMS: Now in a store near you!
(...) Now that would be fun! However, it all depends on whether or not I'll be able to attend the event, and if I was to do that and bring another robot as well, I might have to get myself some more parts! :) Thanks, David J. Perdue (...) (20 years ago, 20-Aug-04, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Competitive MINDSTORMS: Now in a store near you!
(...) Hmm. The way I see it, pushing power is limited (in an ideal world!) by one of two factors: applied torque (a function of motors and gearing), and the frictional force between the wheels and the surface (controled by the weight of the 'bot and (...) (20 years ago, 20-Aug-04, to lugnet.robotics)

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