Re: Building a Ship of the Line (was Re: Ships (was Re: My Ships))
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 04:52:19 GMT
3278 times
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> While I still think the big issue is hulls, I was dissassembling an Ogel
> underwater base last night, and have begun wondering about
> as the basis for a big ship.
The very same idea occured to me when I was building HMS Flame the first
time I was trying to approximate the forward hull of a smooth-lined ship,
and I had four of those from an aqua set of some sort... my problem came in
trying to get their up-angle slope to match with the hull, and my
inexperience got the best of me (I gave up handily).
All the same, this size building gets into sizes of ships more up my
alley... and base on the way Lady Grace is turning out, I'm not sure how I'd
encorporate that up-slope. Then again, she's only a cutter, and frigate and
ship-of-the-line bows are entirely different in the sculpt. SNOT might make
it possible... though (like the rest of tumblehome hulls of that period)
it's a mind-binding prospect!
> Not that the Misérable isn't big enough for me at the moment, but maybe one
> day...
Exactly! Never know how insane we'll get... : )
Kenneth Tam
Brickley's Cove
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