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Re: Australian Roll Call
Newsgroups:, lugnet.people
Wed, 17 May 2000 03:29:16 GMT
66 times
Me too.

Name: Dave Low
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1977
Mental Age/Status of Inner Child: 8-12
Location: Chippendale, Sydney
E-mail Address:
LEGO/home page URL(s): not up -- will announce when it happens
Marital Status: Single (availability status -- taken)
Children: not just yet thankyou
Occupation: Research Assistant (I'll get around to a PhD)

On Lugnet Since: early 2000, lurking since late '99
# of Sets in LEGO Collection: [a wholebunch]
# of Unopened Sets in Collection: 4 -- it's my incentive scheme (when I do
some work I can play with some new Lego)
# of LEGO Pieces: see # of sets, probably around 15K
# of LEGO Theme Parks Visited: none [but I went to all the GB's shows, and
# of LEGO fests attended: 0.5 (Penrith Plaza Pirate Show Shopping Spree)

First LEGO Set: 086 Tub-boat (I've still got that sailor guy!)
Favorite Theme(s): Classic castle, (then Ninja, Star Wars, Classic Space,
Adventurers, Fabuland)
Favorite Set(s): 375, 6040, 6080, 7140
Favorite Piece(s)/Minifigure(s): 2x4 brick, Bill and Mary
Set/theme you would like to see: I'll add my voice to the roar of the mob --
bring on the Roman Empire (with Hercules and Asterix subthemes)

Current LEGO Project: Working myself up to the Monkey Magic Magic Mountain of
Other (Non-LEGO) Interests: Learning Chinese, good coffee, sunny days

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Australian Roll Call
Name: Melody Brown. Gender: F. Year of Birth: 1975. Mental Age/Status of Inner Child: Immortal Child :). Location: Indooroopilly, Brisbane. E-mail Address: LEGO/home page URL(s): not up yet - will let know when it (...) (25 years ago, 23-Aug-00, to, lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Australian Roll Call
As per the comments of one Benjamin Whytcross, here it is, a roll call for .au Name: James Howse Gender: Yes Year of Birth: 1976 Mental Age/Status of Inner Child: Lost in the Lego isle Location: Macquarie Uni, Sydney E-mail Address: (...) (25 years ago, 17-May-00, to, lugnet.people)

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