Re: robot building....
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 04:49:27 GMT
704 times
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> (And for those of us who are proudly Canadian and prefer to follow the
> conventions of the rest of the world, by using SI, that's just over 200 mm
> cubed.)
Well if you really want to get technical, then first of all the measurement
should've been in meters, not millimeters. And secondly it's 0.008m^3 and
not 0.2m^3, unless you meant to say "A cube with sides of 0.2m"
c'mon Iain don't embarrass us SI types ;))
And some questions for Calum:
How many buttons are there on the gamepad?
Does the software send a message when a button is pressed and then another
one when it's released? or does it send a continuos message while a button
is pressed and stops once it gets released?
And what is up what that "hi callum from callum"? Did your evil twin escape
from the attic and got a hold of a computer?
Next thing you know that "mechanized coffie table" from Iain's dream
( starts posting poetry on
this LUG under Arthur G. McGregor...
More Iain's weird dreams:
IMHO you should seek professional help ;)) Dreaming about blue Duplo's for 2
bucks a bucket and licking rear windows on Montreal subway isn't normal.
LOL, This is too funny
Message has 5 Replies:  | | Re: robot building....
| (...) Be sure to check for a *scar on Calums right rib-cage. ~From where he was conjoined! Should he be found to be the sinister twin its a life of fish-heads for him
;) -R * Far too many _Simpson's_ episodes for me. (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to
|  | | Re: robot building....
| (...) The controllers for the 10.1 test are Suncom iSFXPlus controllers with a eight way directional pad (Dpad) and eight fire buttons arranged in cardinal points. There are also two triggers on the bottom for your index fingers. None of the buttons (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to
|  | | Re: robot building....
| "Ivan Louch" <> wrote in message (...) measurement (...) I meant to "cube" (^3) 200 mm. I didn't mean it to read as I had typed it. My mistake! I used millimetres because that's the fundemental unit that (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to
|  | | a zen guide to Iain's dreams....
| thanks Ivan, for compiling Iain's dreams (...) I was sent him an e-mail... and was considering buying a "special hat" (I guess for Train 1???) a la E-bay's own merchandise store. And I sent him the link for the item.... I tended to send Iain all my (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to
|  | | Re: robot building....
| (...) I am NOT going to say anything..... I am NOT going to say anything..... I am NOT going to say anything..... I am NOT going to say anything..... I am NOT going to say anything..... whew, that was close. :) Chris (23 years ago, 5-Mar-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: robot building....
| "Calum Tsang" <> wrote in message (...) NQC. (...) I'll bring my palmtop and IR Tower, but I suspect others will have notebooks with similar stuff set up too. Ben, if you want, I can hook you up (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to
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