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a zen guide to Iain's dreams....
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 13:56:31 GMT
697 times
thanks Ivan, for compiling Iain's dreams

More Iain's weird dreams:

this is my all time fave... and I am still sorry for causing it....

I was sent him an e-mail... and was considering buying a "special hat" (I
guess for Train 1???) a la E-bay's own merchandise store.  And I sent him
the link for the item....  I tended to send Iain all my prospective bids...
I don't know why maybe for giggles (I guess)....

his first reaction was that I was absolutely crazy to buy the hat, much
less wear it....e-bay merchandise is not what one would call "fashionable"
much less a bargain... :)

he posted the "dream" the next day, and was glad I didn't buy the "hat".
I wouldn't wanted to be responsible for a long period of anti-productive
neural behavior in Iain's life...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: a zen guide to Iain's dreams....
"Benjamin Medinets" <> wrote in message (...) Oh, don't worry, that happens all by itself. Iain (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: robot building....
(...) Well if you really want to get technical, then first of all the measurement should've been in meters, not millimeters. And secondly it's 0.008m^3 and not 0.2m^3, unless you meant to say "A cube with sides of 0.2m" c'mon Iain don't embarrass us (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to

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