Re: robot building....
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 03:13:40 GMT
640 times
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> Note everyone, 10.1 is THIS FRIDAY, March 8th at 6pm at the University of
> Toronto. I mailed out a few people with an email, but the event into was
> posted last week on group:
Calum, thanks for reporting this...
> > I may have a problem implementing the code for it....since I am too new to the
> > programming scene.
> The code's relatively easy to do. Just download the code example from the
> BBRC website, tweak it to fit your robot, then compile/upload it using NQC.
> Get BricXCC or RCXCC with NQC and it's extra easy!
hmmm....well I am not that familiar with programming as I said earlier...
like the last time I did any type of programming/coding etc was in Computer
Science class (approx. 7 years ago) and we did some simple arrays on
I don't have Mindstorm software install because I am afraid of the amount of
time it will take to install...with demo's I hear it takes a while....
NQC... well see the above point.... I don't know too much about codeing
and decompiling to make a reasonable attempt at it... worst comes to worse,
I'll just install the Mindstorm software, and "teach my bots" how to a simple
synchronized dance... :)
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 | | Re: robot building....
| (...) Note everyone, 10.1 is THIS FRIDAY, March 8th at 6pm at the University of Toronto. I mailed out a few people with an email, but the event into was posted last week on group: (URL)I may have a problem implementing the code for it....since I am (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to
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