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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 3878
3877  |  3879
Re: robot building....
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 02:48:42 GMT
647 times
In, Benjamin Medinets writes:

I put together a simple design for rtl 10.1 (assuming it is next weekend).
Are the prospective "testers" going to get private e-mails???  I will probably
get my 2nd "player".... (identical twins, I guess) built by Friday.  I have
the basic chasis design for it.... just need to work on it to match my fist

Note everyone, 10.1 is THIS FRIDAY, March 8th at 6pm at the University of
Toronto.  I mailed out a few people with an email, but the event into was
posted last week on group:

I may have a problem implementing the code for it....since I am too new to the
programming scene.  Robots must be no larger than 8 inches square, right?
Because the total length of 'bot is just under the 8 inch mark.

The code's relatively easy to do.  Just download the code example from the
BBRC website, tweak it to fit your robot, then compile/upload it using NQC.
Get BricXCC or RCXCC with NQC and it's extra easy!

Robots must be no larger than 8 inches cubed.

I will bring my "team" entry at the testing.  At the "event" I will be open
to suggestions for improvement, but being my first "foray" into robots, I
don't expect it to be as high of calibre as some of the other "regular robot

Making the attempt and effort is the point-don't worry if you can't get it
perfect, doing _something_ is a start!


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: robot building....
(...) Calum, thanks for reporting this... (...) hmmm....well I am not that familiar with programming as I said earlier... like the last time I did any type of programming/coding etc was in Computer Science class (approx. 7 years ago) and we did (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to
  Re: robot building....
"Calum Tsang" <> wrote in message (...) NQC. (...) I'll bring my palmtop and IR Tower, but I suspect others will have notebooks with similar stuff set up too. Ben, if you want, I can hook you up (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  robot building....
I finally got off my lazy back-side and finally got my hands "dirty" with my mindstorm collection... :) I put together a simple design for rtl 10.1 (assuming it is next weekend). Are the prospective "testers" going to get private e-mails??? I will (...) (23 years ago, 3-Mar-02, to

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