Re: How to start a fire.
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 17:28:47 GMT
312 times
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In, Mike Petrucelli wrote:
> Almost if not completely verbatim...
> I ran into an old friend the yesterday and really 'ruffled his feathers.' We
> got on the subject of the Iraq war and he made the comment:
> "Over 1000 Iraqi civilians were killed and we didn't even find anything."
> I replied:
> "So? Didn't you know life has no value?"
> "What are you talking about?!"
> "Well let's keep things in perspective shall we. More people than that are
> murdered every day in the U.S."
> "What?!"
> "Sure we just use the euphemism 'Abortion' so people don't get all upset
> about it"
> "That is not the same thing."
> "Why not? Innocent life is innocent life after all."
> He stared dumbfounded for a moment then shook his head and said good bye.
I'm not sure that quite qualifies perspective-wise, even accepting the fact that
abortion==murder. We're talking (assumedly) military-inflicted deaths in Iraq
versus civilian-inflicted deaths through abortion. And even beyond that, the
Iraqi population is what? Like 22 million? US is 275 million? So for even
comparison's sake you'd need at least 12,500 US deaths to compare to? Though I'd
easily believe that within the span of our Iraqi occupation, there have been
more than that many abortions.
Regardless, apples and oranges. I'd accuse you of intentionally wanting to argue
the principles of abortion rather than the Iraqi issue at hand in that
instance-- hence baiting and/or trolling. Which is a perfectly fine topic, but I
wouldn't recommend posing it as a terribly relevant topic when discussing Iraqi
civilian deaths. I could just as easily make a nearly equally relevant point by
taking the animal-rights-activist standpoint and saying that more innocent
animals in the US are slaughtered every day.
Here's an honest, relevant question for anyone that knows: How many military (IE
government) inflicted deaths did Saddam's regime cause in a typical year in his
country? I don't honestly know that there was ever even 1, but going by all the
hype, they make it sound like it wouldn't be unexpected. Anyone have stats?
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: How to start a fire.
| (...) Over 1000 every day. (...) Yeah I figured it might be taken that way, that is why the subject is "how to start a fire" (...) Well assuming we can trust the news reports of mass graves. The estimates I have read in the paper are over 1 million (...) (22 years ago, 17-Jun-03, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | How to start a fire.
| Almost if not completely verbatim... I ran into an old friend the yesterday and really 'ruffled his feathers.' We got on the subject of the Iraq war and he made the comment: "Over 1000 Iraqi civilians were killed and we didn't even find anything." I (...) (22 years ago, 17-Jun-03, to
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