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 Off-Topic / Debate / 14127
14126  |  14128
Re: On the veracity of statistics in general
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 14:25:47 GMT
269 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Scott Arthur writes:
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
I was doing some Googletrolling with various search keywords, looking for
some scholarly work on the accuracy of UN statistics. It's a relatively
tough search...

That's right, you don't like UN stats do you? You said this:
I have no faith in statistics that are originated by the UN unless
independently corroborated, and that's a blanket statement. The UN apparatus
is highly politicised and tends to produce answers that are politically
correct rather than actually correct.

You *rejected* UN data.

You never justified that, but nothing new there.

But then late this happened:

Scott A (quoting the a text in the Guardian):
In May 1989, large-scale anthrax production began at a factory constructed
at Al Hakam. Unscom estimated that Al Hakam manufactured 8,425 litres of
anthrax bacteria during the course of 1990.

(of course that cite just shows production capability, it could still be in
production, or Iraq could be totally innocent of this particular perfidy and
the site destroyed or out of production for years. Who knows?)

You *accepted* UN data.

I don't see "who knows" as *accepting* anything.

"of course that cite just shows production capability"

You are squirming.

The "who knows" does not question the data, only Iraq's culpability. At
least that is how it reads to me.

This apparent dichotomy worried me. So I did a quick
search for "UN Larry Neanderthal" and I got this (from a LP spam thread):

Scott A:
This is all noise, BUT where did you get the averages from?

Not going to play this game any more, sorry. I've justified my assertion
that LUGNET members are more white and more male than the averages to my

Scott A:
Like I say Larry, you are full of opinion which you just cannot justify. All
I am asking for, on this one, is a simple reference - but you are simply
unable to mange it.

Oh, I'm able, all right. I could just go to the UN site or wherever and
quote demographics.

In the text above you appear to be saying that the UN is a
*valid data source*.

No I wasn't, just that I was willing to quote it to shut YOU up because YOU
accept those statistics apparently without question.

Can you justify why you thought this? BTW : I accept no statistics without

Doesn't mean *I* do.

I think otherwise. Feel free to talk me around.

But I think UN statistics on the demographics of an open country are a bit
more likely to be accurate than some of the much more hard to measure ones.

So now some UN stats are ~OK~?

Remember, you said this:
I have no faith in statistics that are originated by the UN unless
independently corroborated, and that's a blanket statement.

I guess I can't believe that you dredged up the White Mans Club lie again,
didn't you get enough ridicule from everyone last time you tried that lie?

I'm not going to let you muddy the waters. As you know, I am not lying but
if you want to suggest I am I ask you reply to the relevant message.

So which of the above opinions is the correct one?

All of the statements I made that you cite are correct, and non conflicting.


Have you experienced a
change of opinion on this?


Perhaps you can explain?

Yes. I can explain. You're confused because you have trouble with reading
carefully and thinking about what is said and tend to shoot your mouth off
without thinking about what your own words imply.

Sling mud. Avoid the issue. I almost envy your outlook!

Scott A

Message has 1 Reply:
  What, no answer? (Re: On the veracity of statistics in general)
(...) What, no answer? (...) What, no answer? Scott A (23 years ago, 22-Oct-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: On the veracity of statistics in general
(...) I don't see "who knows" as *accepting* anything. (...) No I wasn't, just that I was willing to quote it to shut YOU up because YOU accept those statistics apparently without question. Doesn't mean *I* do. But I think UN statistics on the (...) (23 years ago, 19-Oct-01, to

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