Re: Minifig Box #2
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 02:29:46 GMT
832 times
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Please add me to the list as well.
Ahh, here is the real original. :) So, Tamy, incase my other request that I
posted on the other Minifig Box 2 thread doesn't count, here's the correct
In, Dan Moquin writes:
> I've got between 75-100 minifigs and probably three times that amount of
> accessories that I would be happy to make into a Minifig box #2. It seems the
> list for box #1 is quite long and it would be a while before it gets to the
> end of the current list thus my motivation for doing this.
> The minifigs that I would contribute to the box consist of some classic as
> well as modern space, modern town (1987-1997), some pirate, and if I'm
> physically able to some castle. (Personally I'm a castle kindof guy)
> I also have some Maxifigs and stiffies. (The ones with no moveable arms or
> lugs and blank faces)
> My suggestion in regard to the order this box goes in would be to take some of
> the people from the bottom of the minifig box #1 list first. I will contact
> them directly so they can reply to this email first. However, in the end, it
> will be the order in which you reply.
> If someone would like to contribute to this box before it goes out contact me
> directly.
> Thanks
> Dan Moquin
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Minifig Box #2
| I've got between 75-100 minifigs and probably three times that amount of accessories that I would be happy to make into a Minifig box #2. It seems the list for box #1 is quite long and it would be a while before it gets to the end of the current (...) (25 years ago, 17-Sep-99, to
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