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Re: Minifig Box #2
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 02:29:46 GMT
832 times
Please add me to the list as well.

Ahh, here is the real original. :) So, Tamy, incase my other request that I
posted on the other Minifig Box 2 thread doesn't count, here's the correct


In, Dan Moquin writes:
I've got between 75-100 minifigs and probably three times that amount of
accessories that I would be happy to make into a Minifig box #2.  It seems the
list for box #1 is quite long and it would be a while before it gets to the
end of the current list thus my motivation for doing this.

The minifigs that I would contribute to the box consist of some classic as
well as modern space, modern town (1987-1997), some pirate, and if I'm
physically able to some castle. (Personally I'm a castle kindof guy)

I also have some Maxifigs and stiffies. (The ones with no moveable arms or
lugs and blank faces)

My suggestion in regard to the order this box goes in would be to take some of
the people from the bottom of the minifig box #1 list first.  I will contact
them directly so they can reply to this email first.  However, in the end, it
will be the order in which you reply.

If someone would like to contribute to this box before it goes out contact me

Dan Moquin

Message is in Reply To:
  Minifig Box #2
I've got between 75-100 minifigs and probably three times that amount of accessories that I would be happy to make into a Minifig box #2. It seems the list for box #1 is quite long and it would be a while before it gets to the end of the current (...) (25 years ago, 17-Sep-99, to

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