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Re: Minifig Box #2
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 00:22:47 GMT
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Daniel Moquin wrote:

I've got between 75-100 minifigs and probably three times that amount of
accessories that I would be happy to make into a Minifig box #2.  It seems the
list for box #1 is quite long and it would be a while before it gets to the
end of the current list thus my motivation for doing this.

| Tom Stangl, Technical Support          Netscape Communications Corp
|      Please do not associate my personal views with my employer

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  Minifig Box #2
I've got between 75-100 minifigs and probably three times that amount of accessories that I would be happy to make into a Minifig box #2. It seems the list for box #1 is quite long and it would be a while before it gets to the end of the current (...) (25 years ago, 17-Sep-99, to

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