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Re: Minifig Box #2
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 15:33:53 GMT
1832 times
In, Dan Moquin writes:

Yes, I have the box and it will be coming around again.  I do need to
repopulate it or I'm afraid the box might be a disappointment the second
time around.  It seems there is more newer style minifigs whereas the
original box had a lot of older figs in it.  I am trying to go through my
older figs to put some in there.  Please be patient as I have a new baby as
well and haven't had a ton of time for Lego.

Dan Moquin

Is it possible to include a "Canada Tour" for this box? If so, please add me to
the list.

Alan Findlay

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Minifig Box #2
(...) Yes, I have the box and it will be coming around again. I do need to repopulate it or I'm afraid the box might be a disappointment the second time around. It seems there is more newer style minifigs whereas the original box had a lot of older (...) (24 years ago, 16-Nov-00, to

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