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Re: Sticking it to Todd (was Re: Clones Database)
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.db.scans
Tue, 7 Nov 2000 03:33:48 GMT
4094 times
In, Richard Marchetti writes:
I have a real problem with Lugnet being considered Todd and Suzanne's
exclusive sandbox -- in reality, it is and it isn't depending on what part
we are examining.  People contribute time, money, content, scans, etc. It
strikes me as a community effort in MANY ways.  It's a little too heavy in
attitude to just assert that we cannot support clones brands in some way in
the database and to provide no reasons for this posture.

It's not in the business plan.

Maybe I would feel differently if I knew the costs, or other efforts
involved.  From where I am sitting, Todd has all the structure, programming,
bandwidth, etc.  It looks like the costs come down to space on a server hard
drive somewhere and the scanned contributions that would comprise the

It's also a matter of principle.

I don't want to hammer Todd, but perhaps something more than a terse
one-liner is required here by way of response.

LUGNET would not be LUGNET.

So watch it, Baldy!


-- Richard (also baldly going)

--Todd (also baldly going :-)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Sticking it to Todd (was Re: Clones Database)
(...) I have a real problem with Lugnet being considered Todd and Suzanne's exclusive sandbox -- in reality, it is and it isn't depending on what part we are examining. People contribute time, money, content, scans, etc. It strikes me as a community (...) (24 years ago, 6-Nov-00, to,, lugnet.db.scans)

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