> I realize that Lugnet is owned by two persons, and is not a democracy -- but
> I think that there are many Lugnet users that would be grateful to have
> access to clone information when they need it.
Blimey, I make a humorous off-the-cuff comment in the Australia newsgroup
and next thing I know it's all set to become World War 3 in other groups.
Perhaps we should put a warning on the Australian newsgroup along the
following lines "May contain traces of irreverence; may cause outrage in
non-native species" :-)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Warning: Australians (Re: Clones Database)
| (...) Maybe include a reference to a national fondness for robust discourse and colourful language, and a general suspicion of delicate sensibilities? I like it :-) Richard Still baldly going... And I do realise that I rather inflamed the situation (...) (24 years ago, 8-Nov-00, to lugnet.loc.au)
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