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 General / 17439
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Re: Warning! This post praises MegaBloks...
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 02:44:12 GMT
2161 times
In lugnet.general, Randy Anchikoski writes:
I bought the Battleship too.  Surprisingly (or not), it was missing 10 2x4
gray bricks.

  That's unfortunate--I've been lucky enough never to have such an omission in
any MB sets I've bought.  Could you return it?

I also found that if you pushed the turret gun pieces through
the back of the 'technic' 2-stud, it splits the brick (I was seeing if it
would fit so as to be more stable, and it almost did)

  Well, that's like saying if you push a 1x1 round brick through a 1x2 Technic
brick, one or the other will break--of course it will!  Fortunately, that's not
how it's meant to be attached. The same is true with the MegaBloks pieces you


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Warning! This post praises MegaBloks...
"Dave Schuler" <> wrote in message (...) 2x4 (...) omission in (...) I'm not worried. I only paid $35Cdn for it anyway. I just modified the bridge slightly and it looks fine. (...) Technic (...) that's (...) (25 years ago, 17-Apr-00, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Warning! This post praises MegaBloks...
I bought the Battleship too. Surprisingly (or not), it was missing 10 2x4 gray bricks. I also found that if you pushed the turret gun pieces through the back of the 'technic' 2-stud, it splits the brick (I was seeing if it would fit so as to be more (...) (25 years ago, 16-Apr-00, to lugnet.general,

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