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 Castle / 9135
9134  |  9136
Re: Castle accessories arrived
Thu, 24 May 2001 21:38:16 GMT
1211 times
In lugnet.castle, Kevin Knoot writes:

How many euro-armors does that make for you?  And Bruce, where do I get a
magical desk like yours?


Dunno.  I'm in the process of resorting all my Castle minifigs to see what I
actually have of each.  Maybe as many as 30.  Zero a year ago.  Lemme check...

Body armor.  When I started that string in August I had 5.

Magical desk.  Ahhhhhhh, not for sale.  The receptionist at work buys lego
on eBay - I'm lucky to see any of it.  :-)


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  Re: Castle accessories arrived
(...) How many euro-armors does that make for you? And Bruce, where do I get a magical desk like yours? Kevin (24 years ago, 24-May-01, to lugnet.castle)

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