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 Castle / 13359
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Re: Castle Ctuniie-My first castle MOC!!!!!
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 22:35:06 GMT
810 times
In lugnet.castle, William Braun writes:
My  parents dont approve of legos, so i had to save my own money.

In lugnet.castle, David Eaton writes:
In the case of my parents, they were afraid I was wierd or something. I
think they just wanted assurance that I'd be a "normal kid", and not have
some sort of emotional problems.

~Oh, undeniably...
Just look at how well Larry P. and Scott A. turned out!




(please forgive me)      =P

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Ctuniie-My first castle MOC!!!!!
(...) Yes and no :( In the case of my parents, they were afraid I was wierd or something. I think they just wanted assurance that I'd be a "normal kid", and not have some sort of emotional problems. So in that regard, perhaps they WOULD rather their (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle)

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