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Re: Castle Ctuniie-My first castle MOC!!!!!
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 02:16:17 GMT
953 times
In lugnet.castle, William Braun writes:
Hi all!
here are pics of my first castle
MOC. cut and paste this to your browser window cuz i havent figured out how to
do links on here yet.

I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to piece that URL together so
that it would work... But I found it on Brickshelf:

Any way, i cant claim full MOCship as my desighn incorperates D. Siskinds
Blacksmith shop.
It has a great hall with a secret passage (pic 19) (my folder only allowed me
to upload 6 photos) a round tower, and a square tower off the great hall with
an armory, a library, a stable, and a small small barrick.
PLMKWYT!!! (seriously, if you need to slam it, slam it. I dont want any

Ok, I have to admit I expected less. When I read you were 14 I recalled my
castles at 14 and many other castle attempts by kids who are attempting to
stretch themselves too thin (my advice for most of those out there that fall
into that category is to build smaller). But you really pulled off a good

- Thick walls, very believable as realistic. Many Lego castles are built
with the castle wall pieces which has the effect of too many windows when
seen from the outside (IMHO), a resultant thin wall when viewed from above,
and also an 'overhang' for the top battlements, which probably shouldn't
exist to the extent it does on such walls
- Layout is good-- asymetric enough to not look TOO planned, yet symmetric
enough to be a plausible design. The keep looks great in scale.
- Interior design & detail is wonderful. Lots of touches that didn't need to
be there, but add a lot to the model.

- The blacksmith shop doesn't really seem to fit... It seems to stick out a
bit too much. I'd recommend (though maybe not possible) pushing it into the
courtyard so that it's even with the exterior wall when viewed from the outside.
- Missing stairs. One "quick fix" for this is adding ladders, which require
less rebuilding...
- For the rest of the castle, the actual gate seems a bit underdone.
Comparing the size of the keep and the rounded tower, the gate itself seems
really teeny. It also lacks chains/ropes to raise/lower the drawbridge.

Overall, though, a good castle!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Castle Ctuniie-My first castle MOC!!!!!
Dave- I would have made the gate house bigger, but found my piece supply exhausted. (as well as my monetary one) Its on my to-do list :-)Its amaizing how asimple thimg like stairs evaded my mind, thanks for pointing it out. I wanted to make it so (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Castle Ctuniie-My first castle MOC!!!!!
Hi all! here are pics of my first castle MOC. cut and paste this to your browser window cuz i havent figured out how to do links on here yet. (URL) way, i cant claim full MOCship as my desighn incorperates D. Siskinds Blacksmith shop. It has a great (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle)

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