Re: Ideas for next MOTM contest
Wed, 26 May 2004 17:09:01 GMT
1288 times
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In, Don Heyse wrote:
> In, Travis Cobbs wrote:
> > The technical detail is that LDView requires the video card/video driver to
> > support the WGL_ARB_multisample OpenGL extension. The MX cards don't support
> > that. (I think this is because they only support supersample antialiasing.)
> > However, if the card's control panel allows you to set the FSAA mode used by
> > OpenGL cards, it might make the snapshots come out antialiased.
> What's the difference between supersample and multisample antialiasing?
> There was a setting in the control panel about some sort of ***sample
> antialiasing, but I was afraid to change it because it gave a sharp
> warning when I selected it.
The difference is that multisample AA only samples the texture once per pixel,
while supersample samples the texture once per sample. This makes multi-sample
AA significantly faster any time you're in a fill-rate limited situation.
Additionally, it appears that since the OpenGL extension is the multisample
extension, nVidia decided not to support it on cards that don't actually
implement multisample AA.
I suspect the warning in the control panel is there basically becuase FSAA will
be really slow on that card.
> > As far as I know, the main things that would differentiate an image
> > created by LDView from one created by LDGLite are smooth-shaded
> > curves and stud logos in LDView's favor, and smooth patterns in
> > LDGLite's favor (antialiased outlines of patterns).
> Oh, I don't know. I actually like the effect of Paul Easter's
> ldrawn logo studs better than the texture mapped stud logos in LDView.
Just try not to use any mirrored parts or mirrored sub-models ;-).
> Now if you were bump mapping the logos, that might be a different
> story. ;^)
It's on my list of possible future features, but I've never gotten around to
trying it. Unfortunately, I think the surface normal for every stud has to be
re-calculated each frame in order to make them work right. I could be wrong
about that, though.
> > On another technical note, I think
> > we have different polygon offset settings, which can make either
> > one or the other look better, depending on the scale and viewing angle.
> That's a tough oneto get right. I did notice you also have a problem
> with z-bleeding sometimes. You can see it on the BattleDuck pics.
Yeah. Unfortunately, tweaking the numbers can mess up other models. On the
other hand if you think the numbers you are using don't ever produce
bleed-through, I'd love to know what you're using.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Ideas for next MOTM contest
| (...) I thought we fixed that. (2 URLs) (...) Nope. I have the same problem. Possibly even worse with antialiased lines. I give them an extra bump forward beyond the polygon offset. More bits in your Z buffer reduces the symptoms somewhat. (21 years ago, 26-May-04, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Ideas for next MOTM contest
| (...) What's the difference between supersample and multisample antialiasing? There was a setting in the control panel about some sort of ***sample antialiasing, but I was afraid to change it because it gave a sharp warning when I selected it. (...) (...) (21 years ago, 26-May-04, to
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