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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 6064
6063  |  6065
Re: Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
Wed, 17 Jan 2007 07:53:01 GMT
3733 times
In, Matthew J. Chiles <> wrote:

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:06:31 GMT, you wrote:

When I made my first 3005-letters, I made them a compromise between accuracy
visibility. It was more important that the letters were readable in as small
scale as possible than that they were true to the originals. Do you find this
philosophy shocking? ;) That was in the days when LDraw was meant to produce
readable instructions. Today, I don't know what's become of LDraw. A playground
for perfectionists, where nothing or very little passes, maybe?

"A playground for perfectionists"

Excellent summary of what I am trying to say.  Most of us are not
perfectionists even if we would like to be, and we don't have time to
be perfectionists.  But we do want useable parts.

There is a step below perfection that is "good enough".  If L-Draw
continues to strive for perfection at the expense of all else, it will
be perfect at doing what it does, but what it does will be very little
- too little to be useful.

You're right MAtt,

"Only the best is good enough" but "la surqualité est de la non-qualité"
(overquality is non-quality) and "le mieux est l'ennemi du bien" (better is
enemy of good).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
(...) "A playground for perfectionists" Excellent summary of what I am trying to say. Most of us are not perfectionists even if we would like to be, and we don't have time to be perfectionists. But we do want useable parts. There is a step below (...) (17 years ago, 16-Jan-07, to

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