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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 6063
6062  |  6064
Re: Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
Tue, 16 Jan 2007 22:45:03 GMT
3779 times
On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 21:45:40 GMT, you wrote:

In, Tore Eriksson wrote:
In, Travis Cobbs wrote:
I agree, with a few caveats.  First of all, I think there should be a new
official header comment that basically says, "ok, but could use some work".

Why not keep to the tradition of ending the description with "(needs work)"?
Eg. "Minifig Flipper (needs work)". IMHO, there are already far too many
official header comment and META statement to keep track on.

I did a quick scan of the official parts on my hard drive.  The most recent one
with "(needs work)" in the part title is 30375s01 (Minifig Mechanical Torso
without Chest/Rib Surface (Needs Work)), and it's from the 2002-05 update.
There are two more recent files, but they both have a 0 NEEDS WORK comment
immediately following the header.

I couldn't find any reference to the phrase "needs work" in the part tracker
reference pages.  A Google search of didn't match "needs work" in any
of the reference pages of the whole site.  My suggestion would be to add this
an officially sanctioned method of allowing parts to be approved that aren't

An excellent idea.  If my vote counts for anything, I say yes.

Under the Needs Work comment authors or reviews could then note
specific items that need to be done such as "Needs BFC" or "Underside
needs more detail" or "needs more primitives in painted area".

This proposal could move a lot of 85% parts that are very useable into
official status so people can easily use them.

As long as a part is rotating on the best point and is shaped properly
with all obvious features, planes and lines it should be adequate.

-Matt :)

----------------------------------------------------- - username mchiles
  Matt Chiles
  1006 Horseshoe Bend Rd
  Centerville, WA  98613 USA
Phone: 509-773-5724

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
(...) I did a quick scan of the official parts on my hard drive. The most recent one with "(needs work)" in the part title is 30375s01 (Minifig Mechanical Torso without Chest/Rib Surface (Needs Work)), and it's from the 2002-05 update. There are two (...) (17 years ago, 16-Jan-07, to

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