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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 6057
6056  |  6058
Re: Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
Tue, 16 Jan 2007 17:13:29 GMT
3381 times
In, Michael Heidemann wrote:
I got a hold vote some time ago to the part:

I do not agree with Steffen.

I think we should try to be realistic.

What is your opinion? And what is the opinion of the admins?

My individual opinion (as opposed to the consensus opinion of the admins) is in
general, I'd prefer the idealized pattern.  Since mis-registrations cause many
variations, it's 'better' to go for the middle ground.

Since it's not always clear what the idealized pattern would look like, if an
author faithfully follows the part(s) that he has on hand, I don't see how that
can be faulted.


Message is in Reply To:
  Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
I got a hold vote some time ago to the part: (URL) do not agree with Steffen. I think we should try to be realistic. What is your opinion? And what is the opinion of the admins? cu MikeHeide (17 years ago, 15-Jan-07, to

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